Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The need for preschool education including the aims and objectives of preschool education.

Little children are the blooming buds of our society and therefore it becomes necessary to nurture these young minds so that tomorrow they become responsible citizens. It is therefore important to begin molding these children right from childhood in order to help them recognize the good and the bad, to make them appreciate cultural differences and to build a framework which will support them in their journey through life. Kids are curious about every new thing kids see, every new word, when the kids are young and they sometimes have endless questions about every specific experience they have. Enrolling a child in a school or club help him or her are adapt to new environments and also contributes to the overall growth. The education is to make the child independent, build a positive and well- balanced self-image and improve intellectual ability. It also has some other goals which are listed below education to make the child.
child developments

·         To provide a healthy, comfortable,
·         Loving and stimulating child friendly environment.
·         To promote the children’s development and education by play
·         To encourage children to develop self-esteem and self-confidence, and to feel respected as an person.
·         To respect the faith of the parent that we will be cultivated and provide quality care to their child.
·         To works as per the early year’s foundation stage quid lines
·         To meet the reporting bodies guidelines and specifications
·         Working as partner with parents’ careers and providing versatility to meet the individual needs of each child
·         To welcome parents’ cares and to have an environment in which both children and adults feel happy and relaxed


WILSON, C. (2017). vocal education. Retrieved from vocal education web site: https://vocal.media/education/what-are-the-objectives-of-early-childhood-education

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