Roles of family in socialization; socialization is a
process of transferring culture to the younger generation and of studying the
rules and customs of the social classes to which they belong. The term
socialization refers to the interaction cycle in which the developing person
learns the behaviors attitudes, values, and beliefs of the social community
that he was born in to. Each community construct an institutional structure through
which the child is socialized. Culture is conveyed by the interactions that
they have with each other and thus contact is the core of the culture
transmission process. This is correct that the family is considered the cradle
of society values. The family being a mini company acts as a belt of
communication between the individual and society. There is no better place to start
than thinking about the family roles in our social growth a as family is generally
seen as the most significant agent of socialization.
There is no better to start than thinking about the roles
of family is generally considered the most significant agent of socialization.
We as infants depend entirely on others for survival Our parents or others who
play the role of parent are responsible for teaching us how to work and care
for ourselves.
We are also teaching us along with the rest of our family,
about close relationships, community life and how to share resources. We also
send us our first of values,standards,and believes class. Ethnicity structure that generally
represents their own social ,ethnic group, and more.
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For instance, a young boy living in male, was born into a
family of immigrants. He grew up bilingual, and through socialization with his
family was taught the importance of collectivist ideals. This background is
vastly different from anyone born in to an older traditional Maldivian family.
S, B. (n.d.). Retrieved from web site:
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